In the past I've been
mixed up in several instances where people have stolen my
art or claimed it to be created/owned by them. This has
upset me to no end. I've recently taken to branding my
art with copyright information and my e-mail address to
hopefully discourage potential thieves, but I know people
will find a way around my efforts.
I can not stress this
enough: all art and other material posted on this site is
copyright to me unless otherwise noted. If you wish to
display my art anywhere, it would be very appreciated if
you would contact me before you do to avoid
If you have any
questions about copyrights, please first visit these
the government says about automatic

law that protects internet material
myths about copyrights
True Stories font taken
Stonehenge font taken
All art, material, and
characters copyright to Kaido Rakaen unless noted
Also, a special thanks
My mom, for supporting
me through everything, helping me with the general layout
of this site, just for being there, being a good
friend... jeez, what's wrong with me? Is it okay to be
friends with your parents? o_0;
Sett, for doing the
layout of the galleries for me... I'm so useless. ^^;
Also, thanks for just always being there and praising my
art when think I suck.
Megan, for being my
best friend! *hugs Megan and embarrasses her in front of
everyone* Hehe....
Xay, for not going
insane when times were at their worst, and for writing
Revival, which I've been lucky enough to be a part of...
and for just being an overall kikass person.
Etonia, for supporting
me when I need it, for giving me cookies, for drawing me
pictures, for being an overly-nice person. (which isn't a
bad thing!)
Rai, for being a kikass
person, drawing me nifty nifty stuff and being very
artistically... erm, political. ^^;
Cara, for listening to
my complaints, for being modest and giving people shit
who need shit to be given to them.
And of course, to
everyone else I forgot... for helping me, inspiring me,
backing me up when times seemed hopeless, listening to my
complaining, just being there. So thank you all. *gets
all mushy*
of the page